Before selling a business in Florida
Business owners in Florida may have various reasons for wanting to sell their business. In order to make the best decisions regarding the sale of a business and to be satisfied with the results, an entrepreneur has to make sure that they do their due diligence and prepare in advance.
One thing to know before selling a business is whether the valuation of the enterprise is accurate. A total of the assets and liabilities of the business should be obtained, followed by an evaluation of the current net worth of the income earned by the business. After determining the sale price or net worth of other similar business, the largest of the three numbers should be selected so that profitability can be factored in.
Knowing exactly when to sell is also important. When businesses are in a downward spiral, it may not be the best time to place them on the market. Business owners should sell their business when it is operating at its prime, which can be determined by evaluating the last three years of profits.
While the current state of the industry in which the company operates may be a factor in the salability of the company, it is not more important that the current condition of the general economy. A well-performing stock market and low interest rates can have more of an impact than an industry that is not performing well. Also, if a company is performing well in an industry that is not, it can count in the company’s favor.
An attorney who practices business law may assist with the legal aspects of purchasing or selling a business. The attorney may be able to negotiate the terms of a sales contract, provide advice on the proper licensing required to operate a certain business or assist with obtaining a valuation of business assets.